Simple Ways to Get Healthier for the New Year
If you’re trying to get healthier, now is the time to start. We now have strong evidence that end of life neurological diseases are preventable
This website is devoted to sharing information on dietary and lifestyle changes in the hopes that it can help you put your illness into remission.
The Lion Diet is an elimination diet that helps the gut, body and brain heal. The gut and nervous system can be damaged from a standard American diet, your environment (if exposed to mold/biotoxins), medications (like psychiatric drugs), or a dysbiotic microbiome that can occur if you’re born through a C-section or you’ve been treated with antibiotics as a baby.
The Lion Diet is basically the closest thing you can get to a whole food elimination diet. It can help the gut to heal the leakiness that can be caused by years of accidental abuse. It also avoids allergens that can bother people who have nervous system and immune system damage. Classically, leaky gut is caused from a standard American diet, medications, biotoxins in the environment, and/or a dysbiotic microbiome that can occur if you’re born through a c-section or you take antibiotics. The Lion Diet is a healing elimination diet.
If you’re trying to get healthier, now is the time to start. We now have strong evidence that end of life neurological diseases are preventable
My name is Mikhaila Fuller. I’m co-founder and CEO of Peterson Academy, an online higher-education platform and host a podcast with over a million and
Some people are able to go straight from the standard American diet to the Lion Diet. Some people can do it but that comes with
If you’re trying to get healthier, now is the time to start. We now have strong evidence that end of life neurological diseases are preventable
My name is Mikhaila Fuller. I’m co-founder and CEO of Peterson Academy, an online higher-education platform and host a podcast with over a million and
Some people are able to go straight from the standard American diet to the Lion Diet. Some people can do it but that comes with
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