
General Information to Know

Welcome to the recipe section. I’ve never liked cooking. Yet here we are. If I have one piece of advice for new meat cooks it’s to learn the different cuts of meat (below) and buy an air fryer. An air fryer has transformed my life. If you’re into productivity, this appliance is life-giving. It also makes this diet so much easier for people who suck at cooking. Good luck! 

Lion Diet Recipes

Carnivore Diet

Reintroduction Dishes

In this section, you will find all of the dishes that Mikhaila was able to eat prior to her pregnancy (after her pregnancy she got even more sensitive to foods and then went on the Carnivore and eventually Lion Diet). We do not recommend trying these recipes if you are ill. If you have spent time on the Lion Diet (at least 6 weeks) and think you have recovered your health, transition into a carnivore diet first, before you try these recipes.