This is a list of restaurants that will be able to do Lion Diet meat. You have to be sure to order very specifically and restaurants still can make mistakes so be careful. The list will be continually updated. If you have a restaurant you like that isn’t on the list and can do plain meat, please let us know!
Order Iike this: “I would like the (ribeye, lamb chops, bone-in ribeye, etc.) with absolutely nothing on it except salt. No oil, no seasoning, no garnishes, no pepper, just salt. Just meat and salt on a plate.”
Remember veal and lamb are less aged than beef! Order those if you have histamine intolerance.
If the server asks you what your allergies are tell them you have an autoimmune disorder and you’re allergic to everything that isn’t meat but particularly oil, pepper, soy, and gluten.
Although all these restaurants have been vetted, we cannot guarantee accommodating standards – always check with the restaurant.
Good luck!