If you have loose stool or constant bloating for more than the first month on the diet, make sure to try unaged beef to see if that’s easier on your digestion. Sometimes diarrhea and bloating are the result of histamine intolerance. 99% of the meat you buy will be aged to some degree unless you put in a special order from your butcher or buy from the few ranches that offer unaged meat. Linked below is more information on the subject. And if you are looking to buy unaged meat, visit the sites linked in the FAQ at the top of the page titled “Unaged or Aged Beef?” You might also consider doing a GI360 test to see if you have parasites, which can cause loose stools and bloating and diarrhea as well and are way more common than people think. LOW-HISTAMINE MEAT AND FISH: A COMPLETE GUIDE Are You Raising Your Histamine Levels With These Meat Handling Mistakes? – What to know if you have Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Histamine Intolerance