Nothing extra is necessary, but there are a few items that can make your life WAY easier. These appliances have changed my life. Hell, if you aren’t going to change your diet you should still buy them. Here’s a link to see more. Serious life hacks:
- An air fryer – the brand ‘Ninja’ is phenomenal. (
- An instant pot (
- If you want to combine those, buy the instant pot duo crisp ( – it’s an air fryer, pressure cooker, and magic machine all in one.
- Dehydrator (
These appliances will turn a complete cooking degenerate into a master chef. One of the reasons people fail on this diet is because all their meat is overcooked and grey and repulsive. You can cook a steak from frozen by throwing it into the air fryer and flipping it once and people coming over will think you’re a chef. I cannot recommend these enough. If you’re going to only eat meat – or eat a lot of it – get an air fryer. If you’re going to get tired of steak – you will – get a pressure cooker. If you want something extra get a dehydrator for jerky – you cannot find good quality jerky except by my friends who make Pansawan (code MP10 at and Carnivore Crisps ( code MP10). They’re somewhat pricey but they’re high quality and only meat and salt – they’re great. Homemade jerky is where it’s at though for price and taste. Slice lean beef really thin (you can ask your butcher to do this for you), completely coat it with salt and dehydrate until crunchy (possibly 9 hours). Store in the freezer and eat it frozen.
And if you know already how to cook steak – a cast iron frying pan and a BBQ never hurt anyone.