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October Update All Beef Diet and Life

By Mikhaila

Hi Everyone!

Sorry about the incredibly long silence. I’m going through some personal life drama (nothing health related) and I’ve been incredibly busy. I’ll update everyone on that later.

All beef diet is still going strong! I am still alive and thriving. I will not have radio silence again for this long, and I am going to start a YouTube Channel in November! Stay tuned.

Here are some quick updates (pepper reaction and baby update):

Pepper reaction early August: I went out to eat and had pepper accidentally in August. Five days before the podcast with Rogan. I hardly had any pepper, just a bit. I freaked out as soon as I noticed, and left the restaurant and went home and stressed out. Had a bunch of activated charcoal, prayed to the autoimmune gods, almost cried, etc. I didn’t get away with it, I did react to pepper. It was MINOR in comparison to reintroducing a food and what used to happen, but I did react. I had body odour for about 2 weeks, and a tiny bit of brain fog. It was hardly noticeable really. Well, the BO was. But not the rest of the autoimmune stuff. My knee hurt one day and my big toe and that was basically it. Almost. It was a breeze for a reaction, but what did happen was I got a rash/breakout! I’m 99% sure it was pepper related because my skin never breaks out. I had something that looked like a keto rash all over my shoulders and back a week after pepper. I took some pictures but it was way worse in person. And itchy… It usually takes about a week for the reaction to hit my skin and boy did it. There are still marks but they’re finally fading now. It’s been 7 weeks since the pepper. So yeah, pepper is a no. But the good news is it wasn’t a disaster at all, other than my skin. Easy peasy for a reaction.

Breastfeeding and weaning and baby:  I stopped breastfeeding August 27th right before the Joe Rogan podcast. It was bittersweet. Scarlett had naturally weaned herself down to just nursing at night, and she was only drinking about an oz. I nursed one day and she immediately threw it up. She never spits up food, but she’d spit up my milk. I didn’t think this was a particularly good time, and it was kind of upsetting. I’m wondering if my immune system is so sensitive that it was bugging her. Who knows. Mom worries. Anyway, weaning was a breeze. I had read about women getting sore boobs and the horrors of stopping breastfeeding but it was easy. I didn’t even notice. Except now I have no boobs again… Throughout my teenage years, I always consoled myself about my lack of boobs by thinking, “at least once I have kids I’ll have them!” WRONG. They’re back to normal.  Literally, it looks like nothing happened (so it could be worse).

Scarlett now sleeps through the night! So that’s HUGE. I crib trained. Crib training was stressful. I did the cry it out method. It sucked. She screamed for 1.5 hours the first night. One hour the second night, 30 minutes the 3rd night, and 5 minutes the fourth night. Now it’s a couple of whimpers and she’s out. Should’ve crib trained wayyyy long ago.

J Peterson update: Dad is still going strong on beef. He reintroduced chicken and thinks it went well, but then he ate some chicken at a friends house that was marinated and had a reaction. It wasn’t even marinated with anything crazy. Garlic, spices, no sugar or anything. The reaction was pretty unpleasant but again, nothing like the reactions that used to happen when we were eating vegetables. He was incredibly anxious in the mornings for about a week and a half. And he told me half of his body was numb for about 3 days. So not ideal? But he’s recovered now. It’s been two weeks. That’s way better than a month of hell like it used to be. I told him to lay off the chicken and reintroduce it again when he’s back from touring. That way it’s more of a clean test. My guess is he can tolerate chicken and he just reacted to the marinade. I cannot tolerate chicken, but we are not the same.

Will update everyone more throughout the week!

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  1. What is the “the-peterson-family-meat-cleanse” mentioned from another article? Is the “meat cleanse” the exact same thing as the beef diet, or is the “meat cleanse” a beef-oriented bathing ritual?

    1. Is that sort of like trying to see how long you remain aware of yourself chewing your beef while blacking out or going into a K Hole?

    2. cattle prod,

      We will assume that all information given is legit.. So, why not include baby seal on the menu?! Let me explain.

      What value can the beef-only diet possibly have if the hypoallergenic potential of all meats have not yet been tested and compared side by side? We will assume the allergic food reaction theory is true, If the primary benefit of restricting diet to beef alone is that it does not trigger an autoimmune reaction… then out there somewhere possibly could be THE PERFECT MEAT. What are the odds that beef is that perfect hypoallergenic meat?

      Perhaps BEEF is the reason for the resurgence of skin outbreak Mikhaila has experienced in her recent photo? There are a lot of different animal meats that must be compared. Beef is but one succulent animal out of millions of animal species. It is worth trialing uncommon animals to find that perfect steak you violent won’t react to with autoimmune skin eruptions.

  2. This is a sad true story.

    I knew someone that once without thinking it through unfortunately fed their Gerbil meat. This person did so because the Gerbil became excited every time meat was cooked and start crawling up the cage as if it were hungry. This uneducated pet owner fed beef to the Gerbil, which the Gerbil gladly ate. From then on the Gerbil refused to eat nothing else but meat. This Gerbil would also act spastic during feeding times. Sadly, the poor meat-eating Gerbil was in a matter of months covered in tumors and did not live very long after adopting this new Carnivore diet,

  3. Congratulations on your newfound health. I just wanted to add one thing: The food pyramid is not a lie, you guys have a genetic autoimmune disorder caused by extreme food allergies. This makes the food pyramid not applicable to you because you have allergies to most plants — but not wrong for the rest of the population who mostly do not have such allergies.

  4. @John: Then how do you explain how a person can tolerate all foods until they’re 59 years old? How do you know who will get an autoimmune disorder if they keep eating the Standard America Diet? I tested negative for everything when I was tested for psoriasis and hives in my 30’s and 40’s. Not a single food allergy, yet now I can’t tolerate anything plant-based or even dairy. You sound so certain of your position that I’m sure you have an explanation that no one else has come up with.

  5. Carnivore cures spontaneous combustion… for real.

    Newly discovered benefit for the Carnivore diet, it dramatically reduces the risk of fatality due to intracolonic explosion (rectal combustion) during colonoscopy. This is explained by the reduced fiber content of the Carnivore diet leading to less combustible gases in the colon due to fermentation.

    “An intracolonic explosion or colonic gas explosion is an explosion inside the colon of a person due to ignition of explosive gases such as methane. This can happen during colonic exploration, as a result of the electrical nature of a colonoscope. The result can be acute colonic perforation, which can be fatal.”

    Vegetarians fart more (colon has more methane), therefore vegetarians are more combustible than carnivores.

    1. Are you sure about that? Wouldn’t a ketogenic Carnivore Meat diet also increase acetone, thereby increasing the risk of fatality due to Spontaneous Human combustion?

    2. Time To Quit Qwet…
      You’re as useful as your hugely powerful Farts…In a Bubble Bath.
      Seem overly obsessed with all matters colonic ?
      So many anti Mikhaila comments here, huge waves of crass negativity.
      Bless you. MP..!

  6. Carnivorous diet is not a sinful diet as many nutritionists say it is. What is interesting about this diet, is that many health problems disappear. A logical explanation, and very simple one is that microbial flora is changing in the intestine / colon. It is the meat ?!  No, it is the fat that changes the microbial flora. Put the vegetable oils in the sun outside for a few hours, and follow what happens.

     All vegetable oil will turn bad except coconut oil, lard, ghee. I remember in the childhood (i grow up in a communist country) when I went to my grandmother on vacation, and I ate meat in lard. It does not turn bad, regardless of temperature, humidity, etc. In other words, it is not the meat that “solves” the problem ( symptoms) , it is the high fat. Vegetable oils are the most terrible oils, not only that it decays into free radicals at low temperatures (with a few exceptions) but blocks cell respiration. Once cellular respiration changes, problems occur. For example, we have glucose that travels in the blood, while at the cellular level glucose is minimal because the pancreas does not produce the necessary amount of insulin. The pancreas does not produce the amount of insulin needed for that becouse…?! Gluten destroys the pancreas? (do you hear that) or are the parasites that interfere with the chemical process, and gluten can not be processed ?!

     People with IBS, psoriasis, celliac disseses, etc. as soon as they start a diet based on gluten free, many of the symptoms disappear. Is gluten to blame ?! My take is that gluten is not the problem. intestinal villas are destroyed and gluten can not be processed. And then the free gluten diet is ok, because there is no gluten anymore and the symptoms disappear but new one are coming in the future?!. who destroyed intesile villas ?! Gluten ?! It’s not possible!! Then who?! A parasite / pathogen ?!
     Once we’re on the gluten free diet, are we solving the cause  or the symptoms?! I do not believe ,we address the cause, as long as the intestinal bacteria does not change. We just solve a symptom. The problem is still there. Pathogens can go into hibernation for years without creating problems, but once the environment is favorable, they returns to strength. The carnivore and depression.I believe  is the Niacinamide that the body produces in decent amounts( while we eat lot of meat )that reduces inflammation generally throughout the body. A study on rats with Niacinamide reversed Alzhimer Disseses in less than 3 months. Niacinamide is one of the most powerful antifungals (look for trial on candida and niacinamide)
    Carnivorous diet is high in lysine .
    Lysine deficiency leads to a pathological increase in serotonin in the amygdala, a brain structure that is involved in emotional regulation and the stress response. Human studies have also shown correlations between reduced lysine intake and anxiety.

     Stool test for parasites ?! There are millions of parasites, a test covers a few maybe. Perhaps the only test that deserves the trouble is the GI-MAP DNA Stool Test. Leave a piece of meat out in the sun and watch what happens in a matter of hours. Parasites, bacteria, fungus they are all forming inside that piece of meat. Where is a parasit , is also a virus, bacteria, all .big family.

     If we leave a grape in a closed room, what happens in a few days ?! Do little flies appear ?! Did you know that every vegetable, has electricity ?! The fresher it is, the  higher are the milivolts.

     What happens to our body when we lose electricity?! (we are bioenergetics, see Dr Jerry Tennant, ph and voltage)

     Bacteria, parasites, fungi begin to form. So, it’s our life force that keeps us healthy. How do we  lose our life force ?! We take parents’ pathogens, their diet, we will have the same problems as they did . We change the diet, we change the microbes. We have good bacteria / fungi / pathogens (basically aerobic) that keep our colon and intestine in the balance. Did you know that poop is a medicine !? Stupid poop is a drug and very difficult to obtain (a healthy poop of course). It was an old saying, “eat poop” but it is true, it save lifes. There is a poop pill, it is given in major cases when antibiotics are totally ineffective.All I want to say is that the diet generally solves the symptoms, not the cause. If i would be sick again, and i need to “buy time” to look for the cause, carnivorous (high fat)diet will be my first choice. I believe is possible that this diet can correct some healty issues, from the root . The only way to find out if the problem is fixed is when you add in your diet other food. If the symptoms are gone,then you good to add others food.

    Did you know that humans cannot produce Vitamin C and Lysine?! A goat when is sick produce 18 g of lysine and huge amount of Vit C. Lysine does so much( found in high protein diet,meat).

    Vit C is need it if we eat vegetable, fruits..etc. We don t need much Vit C on carnivorous diet.It s true, but not sure in long term(collagen formation need Vit C ,lysine, proline,most important ones)

    If we eat sugar, (fruits are ok in moderation, and not 12 months a year), we need Vit C .

     I’m not a doctor, a researcher, or a naturopath, everything I wrote is my simple opinions. Please consult consult your
    medical professionals for health advice.

    keep your faith strong and think out of the box

    God Bless You All

    1. Andre, that makes total sense!

      As I understand you, what you are saying is: The power of meat is in the fatty tallow, the tallow is the PBF co-factor (Precious Bodily Fluid) needed to activate our vitamin C enzymes which in turn then forces our pancreas produce more niacinamide. This sudden spike in niacinamide signalling travels through the circulatory system and targets the medulla oblongata with antioxidant. This is how meat ultimately cures the Alzheimer’s disease. Am right!?

    2. Regarding to your questions ;

      ” This is how meat ultimately cures the Alzheimer’s disease. Am right!?”

      I do not use the word “cure/cured “.


      I  was referring to a clinical trial done on rats using Niacinamide, in which Alzhimer’s disease was reversed .

       It was  my opinion about why the carnivorous diet is not a bad diet ,and the fact that I believe  the reason why many symptoms disappear is
      due to the change of microbial flora on the colon / intestine and the fact that the body takes the niacin / niacinamide from the diet in decent quantities.Also the diet is reach in Lysine. As I said before, if I want to “buy time” and look for the “cause” I ll pick this diet. I will add liver in this diet for many reasons.

       Im sorry but ,I do not think I understand what you are saying here ?!

      “The power of meat is in the fatty tallow, the tallow is the PBF co-factor (Precious Bodily Fluid) needed to activate our vitamin C enzymes which in turn then forces our pancreas produce more niacinamide”

      As far as I know every possible secretion emanating from a human body is considered a precious bodily fluid,including blood.

      Jack Preiss and Philip Handler  discovered the pathway through which nicotinic acid is converted into NAD.

      They showed that nicotinic acid is converted in three steps to NAD, and the identified the protein and enzymes responsible for these steps. The  pathway by which nicotinic acid is converted to NAD is called  Priess-Handler pathway.

      Synthesis of NAD+ is achieved via both recycling and de novo pathways in most microbes and in human cells.

      Most tissues take up both forms of vitamins to synthesize  and , although nicotinamide is the preferable substrate.

      Nutritional supplementation or high diet in protein,  is an effective way to increase intracellular NAD levels

      Vitamins B2 (riboflavin) and B6 (pyridoxine) in addition to iron are needed as cofactors for conversion of tryptophan to niacin (liver has it all).

      Humans are one of the few mammals unable to manufacture ascorbic acid ( lysine also) in their liver. Most other animals, except the ape family and guinea pigs, produce ascorbic acid in the liver from glucose in relatively high amount.

      We do have all of the genes that are necessary, but one of them is broken. The broken gene, nicknamed GULO, codes for an enzyme called L-gulonolactone oxidase, which is responsible for a key step in vitamin C synthesis. We have the gene, but it has been mutated to the point of being nonfunctional.

    3. Perhaps replace GULO with some other garbage that makes human skin capable of photosynthesis?
      We can become the level above human, carnivorous plantimals .

      Until the soylent dream is realized we still have our faithful companions, beef and salted tallow fried to crispy black goodness.

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