Simple Ways to Get Healthier for the New Year

By Mikhaila

If you’re trying to get healthier, now is the time to start. We now have strong evidence that end of life neurological diseases are preventable and they are caused by lifestyle. This is heartbreaking for people you’ve seen who have been taken by these diseases, but promising to know there are things you can do to prevent them.

There are three key things you can easily focus on to make dramatic changes to your health, and you’ll notice improvement to your health with these changes, which is fun.

You need to focus on:

  1. Diet
  2. Household products
  3. Indoor air quality

Obviously I could have added sleep and exercise in here but everyone knows they should go to sleep earlier, and exercise more (weight lifting in particular). Both of those are very important for avoiding disease and being healthy so include that but these are implementable changes that can make a massive difference and I believe are equally if not more important (particularly diet).


Diet is key. This should be your main focus. This can prevent disease, lessen disease, eliminate disease, improve overall health and change your life. Obviously this website is set up to equip people to the Lion Diet for severe health issues, but this blog post will focus on what I believe is the least you can do to save your health. If you are suffering from a chronic disease already, I recommend doing the Lion Diet, the suggestions here are good for you but may not make the dent in your symptoms you’re hoping for if you’re already suffering from a disease. I have an Amazon list of foods that are easy swaps for people just trying to improve their health without making drastic changes to their diet.

  • Stop eating processed foods and eat whole foods instead. Processed foods in America have significantly worse ingredients than other countries. There are plenty of ingredients in processed foods in America that are actually banned in healthier countries because of their link to disease. These foods should come with warnings on the outside of them like cigarettes. It’s really not a joke how bad these are for people. People assume it’s fine, a calorie is a calorie and that’s just not true. You can gain weight eating too much meat but it’s not going to cause disease like processed foods, and high carb diets are. So just stop buying processed foods. This might be a big change for someone but if eliminating processed foods changes how you eat every meal, it’s even more important that you stop eating that stuff. It’s been designed to be addictive, and it causes disease. It’s not worth it.
  • Prioritize eating meat at your meals. Ideally eat beef as often as you can. Meat has been unfairly demonized when it’s the healthiest thing we can consume, as well as delicious. Saturated fat from meat is incredibly good for you. Your health will take a massive turn if you can get as many of your calories from meat as you can, ideally beef.
  • Limit carbs. Gluten should be avoided and is easily avoided with gluten free products nowadays, and grains should be avoided or at least limited. Get most or all of your nutrients from meat and whole foods.
  • Make sure you’re not intolerant to dairy. I’d cut dairy out for a month and reintroduce it to make sure this isn’t causing you issues. It’s a huge contributor to brain fog, inflammation, weight gain, skin issues, and mood problems. Some people are fine with it but many people are not without knowing it. Sometimes just dropping gluten and dairy can make a huge difference to your health.
  • That being said, January is world carnivore month so if you do want to give the Lion Diet or the Carnivore Diet a shot, now is the time!

Household Products

Swap out your household products and scented products for non toxic products. No this isn’t a hippy thing to do, it’s important. There is plenty of evidence that common household products like cleaning products, laundry detergent, soaps, etc. have endocrine disruptors amongst other chemicals you don’t want to be exposed to. The swaps are easy. This won’t make a noticeable difference to your health like changing your diet will but it’s easy and worth doing. It’ll improve the air quality in your house, and potentially improve hormones and reduce skin irritation.

  • Get non-toxic shampoo and conditioner. I use Viori but there are other non-toxic shampoos you can look up. If you have dry feet this can help a lot with that (some people get cracked heels because of the shampoo pooling in the shower at their feet, believe it or not).
  • Branch Basics is great for general cleaning products and laundry detergent. There are other non-toxic cleaning products but I use Branch Basics
  • Throw away scented candles and air fresheners and definitely do not spray a scent to make it “seem clean”. One, that’s gross, and two, that’s really not good for your health. Use beeswax candles if you want to, those smell great and aren’t bad for you.

Indoor air quality

  • Air filters: The easiest thing you can do to upgrade your indoor air quality is to buy good air filters. Air Oasis has excellent filters that filter down to the right particle size. Most air filters don’t filter particles this fine. This is the company I use. IQAir is good too. 
  • Vacuum weekly with a HEPA vacuum. I use this one.
  • Make sure your HVAC isn’t moldy. This is also key to long term health. You don’t want to be breathing moldy air. There’s strong evidence it can cause neurodegenerative disorders and disease. I have studies linked on if you’re interested. If you really want to make a difference, add an ERV to your HVAC to get fresh outdoor air. That’s key to good air quality.
  • Again, no scented products, see household products.
  • If you’re more concerned about air quality or you have allergies I would also avoid furniture and pillows and bedding with down in them, and if you ever paint, buy a zero VOC paint so it doesn’t impact your air quality for years. Ecos air purifying paint is great.

If you can dial in your diet, reduce toxin exposure, and improve your indoor air quality, I don’t see what you can do that’s better for yourself, your family, and your long term health and quality of life than this. This is also not something you want to wait on because once you have a disease it is much harder to treat and you’ll need the Lion Diet, and if you’re elderly and the disease has progressed too much (e.g. dementia) there isn’t a lot you can do other than slow progression. These changes need to be taken seriously, now.


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