6 Month Carnivore Update

By Mikhaila

I love this diet. I am never going back. 


Baby:  I’ve caved and gotten a nanny, and she’s starting in 2 weeks. I wanted to do the stay at home mom thing (which is what I’ve been doing for the last 10.5 months) but I can’t do it. There are too many things that I want to be able to do that I can’t do with a baby. Serious kudos to people  (like my own mom) who could do it. Taking care of a baby is a full-time job. And it’s incredibly rewarding but it’s hard when there are other things you’re missing out on. For me, that’s work, that’s the blog and writing. So a nanny it is, even though it makes me incredibly nervous. I realize how lucky I am to even have that option. We met someone who seems really bright and really kind and I think Scarlett will love her. She also speaks Russian so Scarlett can learn her dad’s language. We’ve only introduced meat and she’s still nursing a lot. I haven’t figured out what I want to do, but I’m thinking I may consider some vegetables and just see what she’s interested in. I haven’t decided yet.

Ankle: I need surgery. I don’t need to get it re-replaced (THANK GOD), but I do need surgery. After my ankle replacement my fibula was subluxed (slightly dislocated) and so I couldn’t bend my ankle well. Scar tissue grew in really quickly, and bone, and now there’s so much scar tissue that even though my wonderful physio fixed the dislocation, I can’t move my foot. The muscle on one side of my body is wasting away which is horrifying so I need to deal with this ASAP. That’ll be much easier with a nanny as well. Flying out to see a surgeon at the beginning of July, hopefully can do the surgery ASAP after that.

Jordan Peterson: Dad is thriving on the diet. He’s cut out salmon and is mostly eating beef but also some chicken. He told me salmon gives him back pain and makes his voice a bit shaky. Even after all the food weirdness, I’ve been through I had a hard time believing him. But I don’t eat it, and chicken makes me dizzy, so who the hell am I to judge? He has no depression, no anxiety, and no doom in the mornings. If you follow him on Twitter you might notice he’s not as volatile. Last week my mom texted me and said “Jordan woke up with James Brown’s “I Feel Good” in his head. If that isn’t a fantastic sign I don’t know what is. I’m going to get him to drop the chicken and I think his mood will improve even more. This all-meat diet is the bomb.

Mikhaila Peterson: I’ve been doing it for six months now and I swear it just gets better. I have no cravings for other foods, my brain is the fastest it’s ever been, I don’t even mind the sleep deprivation that comes with a baby (she wakes up at night still), I’m energized, happy in the morning, happy all day, and raring to go. The only thing stopping me is my ankle and that should get fixed hopefully soon. I’m getting my micronutrients tested and cholesterol this month. Comment below if you’re interested in certain markers and I’ll add them to the list. This is purely for people’s curiosity, I’m not concerned in the least, I feel great. I’m going to start doing consults (so keep an eye on the blog). Switch it to a pay per consult instead of Patreon. People who have been speaking with me feel better fast enough that we don’t have to keep talking which is amazing. My face is also thinner on this diet (even just eliminating salad). I don’t have as much puffiness in my cheeks. It’s lovely. I look so much more attractive. I was looking through pictures of myself in Montreal in 2012 and I look like a different human.

Hangovers: Hey! Good news, I don’t react negatively to alcohol (only bourbon and vodka – nothing else). It turns out that the minor reactions I was getting were to those hangover pills!!! Which work really well but were giving me symptoms. But my response to alcohol has changed. It used to fill me with energy and now it just kind of makes me slower. So that’s a downer but maybe I’m so fast normally that it’s starting to work like it should, it is a depressant after all. WARNING: This diet is NOT good for hangovers. My tolerance is down, not just because of breastfeeding, and the hangovers are killllllerrrr. Be careful. Go slowly with alcohol. Stick to bourbon and vodka (they have nothing else added – the colour from bourbon is from the cask).

I’ll be updating the blog much more frequently when the nanny starts, and I may even start a YouTube channel! I’m also writing a book (18 000 words in so far!) Exciting times. Doing great. Thanks for the support.

UPDATE: 2023 – Regarding hangovers I eventually made my own supplement I don’t react to that works reaalllyy well if you want to give it a shot. fullerhealth.com (more pure supplements will be launched soon that don’t have fillers, and are third party tested for mold, etc.)

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  1. I did a search and didn’t find anything on your site, but apologize of this has been addressed before. What are your thoughts on your issues being linked to the herbicides/pesticides/fungicides used on the foods you used to eat? With studies showing things like Glyphosate in most of our food, and even the food our food eats 😉 It makes me wonder if your Dad for instance would be fine with Wild Salmon, or you with Chicken from a farm that is meticulous about its organic / all natural standards…

  2. Hi Mikhaila. Great blog and a fan of your father is now a fan of you as well 🙂 Keep up the good work. A quick question, does your dad drink tea, coffee or alcohol any more or is it “pure” carnivore of meat and water? 🙂

  3. Hi, I watched Joe Rogan’s interview of your dad today. A hero of mine. Wow, just mind blowing what you have lived through, and now to learn that it was ALL food related. I’m so happy that you found this solution for yourself!

    I will do the IgG test for my family (some depression suffers) and myself and begin the elimination diet right away. My only question is what exactly is it. In looking through all your info so far I haven’t been able to find anywhere that says exactly what the diet is, except for “carnivore diet” meaning 100% meat I take it. Any details would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks, And from the bottom of my heart I’m so happy for you.


  4. Do I need to get some fibre like psyllium husk, or will that ruin the program?

    1. fibre is not needed. keep well hydrated, and take extra salt (I think 1-2 teaspoon per day would be OK)

  5. Hello there,

    I’m very interested in a meat only diet.

    I know i can do it, but i think cutting out fruits will be very hard.

    Do you have any recommendations concerning fruits? I thought i once heard chris bell talk about the fact that he eats a meat only diet (on the JRE podcast), and occasionally eats fruit. I think according to him there’s some data on it that those carbs don’t mess up the body’s reliance on fats and protein as a main full source. But maybe it has the same effect as the greens do, and mess up the ”magic” of a meat only diet.

    Right now i am eating a lot of carbs. Bread, potatoes, rice. Do you recommend gradually going to a meat only diet (mostly/only beef), or is going cold turkey also okay?

    Thank you very much.

    1. Cold turkey can be quite devastating. My experience was so horrible that it made me disbelieve that this diet was for me. If you’re coming from a high carb diet, especially with refined carbs and such, I’d say you definitely don’t want to make quick changes. If you do, you’ll get a terrible keto-flu, bacteria die off (herxheimer reaction), detox and adaptation symptoms all at the same time. Now how severe this would be depends on your current health (mainly gut but general health as well), age, sleep quality (which would suffer though) etc. But trust me, the symptoms that I got literally felt like I was dying so I had to back off, it wasn’t pleasant. I came from a high carb, grain, refined carb, preservative-unavoided diet and went almost instantly to nothing but meat and greens.

      If I were you I’d remove the refined stuff first and move to a moderate carb paleo diet. This means only real food, nothing refined, no grains/legumes/beans/soy etc., no preservatives. Just mostly sweet potatoes, potatoes, parsnips, artichokes & fruits as carbs. If you get aggravation from the transition, wait for it to ease off and move on dropping those carbs like 10g every other day to avoid the keto-flu. Once you’ve done this gradually in a moderate length of time it shouldn’t cause any issues and at this point transitioning from the fatty meat/fruit/vegetable diet to the carnivore diet shouldn’t cause much aggravation. During this if things get unbearable just ease on the change a little bit and go even slower. It’s worth it.
      Also if you do the transition faster it’s basically extra pain, since the slower you do it the better your body adapts because it’s not under such stress.

      Hope this helps! Good luck!

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