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Worst Offenders to Safest Foods – And Why Vegans Get Better

By Mikhaila

This is a list of foods that I found irritated me the most to the least. If I’ve missed any foods, please comment. I know it comes off as a random/quack list of foods, but I’ve put some thought into it, and this is how my body has reacted.

Why Vegans Feel Better:

If you eliminate the first 3 on this list you should see quite an improvement.

This is part of the reason going vegan makes people feel so much better (depending on the person of course). The first three foods are really hard on people. Eliminating dairy can really help. Going vegetarian is probably the worst thing you can do, you end up eating grains and dairy and eliminating meat. Increase your consumption of soy to replace meat and you’re in even worse shape. Not a good idea. At least going vegan eliminates dairy. They just lump meat in there and end up getting rid of the safest food. So I understand people who have changed the way they ate, gone plant-based, and felt better. Hell, the people who go gluten-free vegan and limit their sugar intake have already eliminated the top three harmful foods. No wonder they feel better. Gluten and dairy and sugar are not good. But meat can’t be lumped in there just because it’s an animal product. People need it in order to really thrive.

If you eliminate the first 7, even better. I would say the first 12 items really bothered me, but not as bad as the first 7. Go all the way to greens and meat, even better, or even just meat.

Worst  to Best

  1. Gluten-containing grains: wheat, rye, barley, spelt, kamut
  2. Dairy
  3. Cane Sugar
  4. Soy
  5. Citrus fruits
  6. Legumes (including peanuts) and bananas and melons
  7. Other grains – rice, quinoa
  8. Figs
  9. Canola oil
  10. Potatoes
  11. Almonds
  12. Green Cabbage
  13. Squash
  14. Grapes
  15. Pork
  16. Coffee

Less immune reactive (starting from most immune reactive to least)

  1. Plums
  2. Berries
  3. Peaches and nectarines
  4. Pears and apples
  5. Macadamia nuts (people seem to tolerate these better than other nuts)
  6. Avocado
  7. Red Cabbage
  8. Coconut flesh
  9. Black pepper
  10. Olives
  11. Greens – lettuce, arugula, spinach, collard greens, swiss chard
  12. Tea – peppermint and black
  13. Coconut oil and olive oil
  14. Fish
  15. Chicken
  16. Salt
  17. Beef
  18. Water


  • I can tolerate the minerals they add to sparkling water (potassium citrate, etc.)
  • I can take activated charcoal. I use this before I go to bed if I drink plus this.
  • I can drink vodka and bourbon and not suffer for too long afterward. I’ll be a bit stiff, and have a hangover, but that’s about it. Other alcohols have additives I react to.

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  1. Perhaps everyone should read Mikhaila’s earlier posts.
    She eats beef, sparkling water (because she is a princess), and salt.

  2. Has anybody here tried a Vegan Keto diet for any extended period of time? I’ve been a Vegan for 3 years and i still feel like i could feel much better. I also struggle with Anxiety, Depression and ‘Brainn Fog’. Just curious to know if its easy to do.

  3. For honest seekers who appreciate some facts to go along with their journey of discovery, I highly recommend this book: https://www.primalbody-primalmind.com/primalfatburner/ I personally own it and have read it myself. The science is well-researched and you can make an appropriate judgment after considering everything that the author has suggested. If you have no facts, it’s just your opinion. I am celiac, overweight, I have thyroid issues, and a host of other issues that I wish would go away. Health is a personal journey and definitely not “one size fits all” to suggest otherwise is just ignorant.

  4. Hi Mikhaila-
    Thank you for sharing all of your experiences. They are very insightful and inspiring.
    What are your thoughts on good quality maple syrup and/or honey?
    Also, green tea.
    Thank you!
    PS Your recent video of your dad with your daughter is the sweetest thing. Love the music, too.

  5. Possible issue with coffee and pork could be the histamine content. I have had to remove all histamine foods from my diet. This includes pork, coffee, even cheese. Whiskey and bourbon also seems to be out, unless I dilute it with a bit of water

  6. Hello Mikhaila, where does apple cider vinegar, stevia, and 5 htp (Brand?) rank on this list? What brands of sparkling water do you drink, and have you tried lacroix sparkling water? It’s naturally flavored, but not sweetened, not even with artificial sweeteners. Last but not least, what brand of activated charcoal do you use, and do you take it in a powder, pill or capsule?

    1. Apple cider and 5htp are very low on the lost. Stevia made me dizzy but not much other than that. I drink any sparkling water that doesn’t have flavouring added (minerals are fine). I have a sodastream so usually I make my own. And I buy powdered activated charcoal and mix it with water so there’s no capsule. Anything that’s made from coconut seems good! As long as it’s unflavoured and pure.

    2. Thank you for the swift response :). What brand of 5htp do you use, I’m often alarmed by how the same supplement has different ingredients depending on the brand. Last but not least, between which foods would you place stevia, acv and 5htp. I’m being thorough because my reactions are pretty consistent with yours and I’d rather know whether they make you feel funny, like chicken, or if they’re low level causes of a reaction like lettuce.Who has a month to give depression the spotlight, amirite?


    3. Acv is right at the bottom. That’s one of the last things I cut out. Pretty safe, like coconut oil. Stevia I’m not sure what happened. It wasn’t a month of depression. I’ll find the brand of 5htp but eventually I just bought powder and gelatin capsules.

    4. I really appreciate it 🙂 thanks a bunch. Not just for the responses, but for all of this. Found out about you around this time last year, and I’m finally getting some consistent improvement now that I’m starting to give up on the idea of comfort food. If they could give Nobel prizes to families, I’d nominate yours.

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