Botox/Fillers for Sensitive Humans

By Mikhaila

Botox and Flare-ups: I’ve been getting botox in my frown lines since I was 23. It was originally my mom’s idea actually. Thanks mom, seriously. Glaring used to be my go-to facial expression. If I was thinking, concentrating, angry, upset, literally all I did was glare. I’m positive this was because I was overwhelmed with negative emotion/ miserably depressed. You can see depression etched on people’s faces eventually.

My first botox appointment was October 2015, a month after I first started eliminating food groups but before I knew how sensitive I was. It was awesome. About a week after I got it done my entire forehead relaxed and it was as if all the tension I was carrying there melted. I swear it made me feel better not to be using those muscles. So I kept getting it done. Plus, who wants wrinkles?

This post, like my drug post, I wasn’t sure if I should write. But I already decided to be as honest as possible. All of these posts that are “iffy” in my eyes, or things I’m concerned about sharing (cough hemorrhoids cough), I’ve written because I’ve Googled these topics and haven’t found anything really. So I figure it’ll help some people who are like me.

I don’t get botox done very often. Most people don’t. I was going every 6 months and when I realized I was much more sensitive than I had ever thought possible, and reacting to all sorts of things, I was concerned maybe I would react to botox. You know, considering it’s actually a toxin. 

Bottom line: I don’t react to botox. Botox does not give me autoimmune symptoms, depression, anything. Except fewer glare lines 🙂 Botox can trigger allergies in people who have a true allergy to milk, which I only recently found out, but it doesn’t bother me at all. So for all you sensitive humans that are worried about putting anything into your body that could make you flare, this particular sensitive human doesn’t get flare ups from botox.

Fillers and Flare-ups: Last December (2017) I had lip filler done. This may or may not be shocking to people, but it’s surprisingly common, especially among younger women. Fillers are made from a substance called hyaluronic acid (HA) that is derived from grain, usually. It’s naturally produced in the body, but obviously, grain-derived HA can be a scary thought. I probably wouldn’t have had it done if I had actually done my research beforehand and had known it was derived from grain. Regardless, it triggered no autoimmune response. I had them topped up again in April 2018 when I was actually feeling better mood-wise, and again, no autoimmune response. No symptoms. So that’s fun. Pretty much anything that doesn’t give me crippling autoimmune symptoms is fun!

I have found I react to certain intravenous medications. I don’t know if this is just how they make everyone feel (pain killers intravenously make me feel pretty crappy but I’m sure that’s fairly normal), or if it’s because it’s intravenous instead of local. It seems as if locally injected substances that stay in one area don’t bother me. Preservative free lidocaine doesn’t bother me (I’m scared of the ones with sulfites even though I don’t know if I react to them), botox (even though it’s a toxin), and hyaluronic acid are also a-okay.

To make it exceedingly clear, I am not a “normal” health freak person. (No hate to health freak people, I love you guys).

I used to scoff at dieting and organic food and, well basically everything, but that was when I was depressed and skeptical. Now that my mind has been blown repeatedly from these weird diet things and permanently blown now that I’m thriving eating only beef, I’m much more careful about scoffing at things I don’t necessarily fully understand.

I bleach my hair, I wear makeup that’s not natural, I get botox periodically, and I’ve had fillers. I drink bourbon and vodka because it’s fun, and it doesn’t make me sick. Not because it’s healthy. I don’t smoke weed because I’m worried I’ll react, not because I think it’s unhealthy. (I believe I reacted last time but I’m not entirely sure, and it’s not worth the risk).

I work out because it makes me feel amazing. I eat this diet because it makes me feel amazing. I sauna because it makes me feel amazing. I do what makes me feel good, not because I necessarily fall into a category of all natural health nut. I just know how important health is because mine was basically nonexistent for the first 25 years.

I feed my baby only organic food because I think my body tolerated it better and I want what’s best for her. I use water wipes because I don’t think the chemicals in normal wipes are good for a baby. I don’t use shampoo because I believe stripping the natural oils out of your hair isn’t good for it. (Will update people about that soon). I don’t wear sunscreen because I don’t believe we’ve evolved to need it (unless you go somewhere ridiculously unsuited for your skin colour). 

So hopefully this is helpful for that one weirdly pure health person that also wants botox. I’m sure there are more people like me out there. Right? Maybe? Anyone?

Love you guys. Keep fighting the health fight. It pays off in spades. I’m doing just fine.




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  1. Since honesty is the policy (as it should be) this makes you sound like you are on the pharmaceutical conglomerates payroll. Reputation is everything so I would suggest a few disclaimers. There is no malice meant in this comment. Peace and Blessings

    1. I don’t take any prescription medication.. And I don’t get paid from any pharmaceutical company. So what would the disclaimer be? Disclaimer: everything you need to know about me is on the blog and I’m not paid by a pharmaceutical company which should probably be fairly apparent considering I don’t take any medications and believe in treating with diet. I am, however, a fan of botox. Which doesn’t make me ill. Disclaimer: this is only my experience.

  2. I’ve been underweight all my life. Your diet and similar ones have helped you and others lose weight; do you think your diet can help me gain weight?

    1. I think it’s worth a try! It seems to bring people to a weight they should be at. I’ve spoken with a number of people who had difficulty gaining weight and had an easier time on a higher meat diet!

  3. Oh girl you’re so brave, sharing all with us..I really respect and admire you and your father. Keep up the good work..
    Sending you all my love?

  4. How come you don’t know if you reacted to weed or not?

    I have skepticism towards this as well, maybe the weed is sprayed with some weird chemicals.
    Cannabis is supposed to help autoimmunity from the research I have seen.

  5. Hey Mikhaila,
    A health resource I think you’d like is Dr. Simon Yu. I learned of his health philosophy from his book The Accidental Cure. I can’t recommend it enough. If you don’t want the book, his articles on the website outline his philosophy. I thought I had seen it all in terms of holistic healing treatments but I realized I was so wrong after finding Dr. Yu. What I like about him is that his view of health seems to be wider and deeper than that of other holisitc doctors I’ve encountered-not to knock the others. He also seems to more explicitly seek out new information and technology and ponder the bigger philisophical health picture. His patient testimonials are worth checking out, too. I hope you take some time to look him up.

    I’d also like to thank you for all the information you’ve given us. It’s a tremendous resource. I was inspired by you to start my own blog chronciling my health journey as well so that someday it may help even one person as much as this has helped me. Thank you!

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