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April 19 2018 – Jordan Peterson’s Carnivore Diet Update

By Mikhaila

Hey everyone, sorry for the delay!

Jordan’s Zero-Carb Update:

Anyway, like I said last week, Dad started the carnivore diet. I told him I thought it could take up to a month for the doom-y mornings to get better. I don’t say “doom-y” lightly. I mean waking up and having all your worries flood in plus more, feeling overwhelmed, wanting to hide your head under the covers and go back to sleep. This doesn’t even describe it well enough. doom-y like there’s something deeply wrong and there’s no way to fix it.

For those of you who don’t know, Dad and I had extremely severe depression/anxiety. We managed to get most of it under control with the extremely strict original diet. No cheating. AT ALL. I would say it worked better for me than for dad mood-wise. It fixed his autoimmune symptoms, he lost 50 pounds, got rid of his snoring and GERD, so it helped, but it wasn’t good enough to completely remove the anxiety-ridden mornings. And anxiety-ridden is putting it mildly. He was experiencing a doom-y feeling in the mornings that would slowly fade by the evenings. No way to live really.

Anyway he went from eating meat and greens to only eating meat and felt better in TWO days. TWO. DAYS.

What’s only eating meat mean? It means chicken, beef, salt, and water or sparkling water. That’s it. I stick to beef because I think it makes me feel better, but he’s doing chicken too.

Now he’s not all the way better. He’s waking up doom free, at about a 7/10 according to him. But that’s an incredible improvement. Doom is not a nice feeling to wake up to. And it’s only been eleven days. He saw improvement in 2. Even I’m surprised at how fast it was. I’m assuming it was this quick because he had already cut 99% of the problem foods.

He’s shocked. He keeps saying, “Can that REALLY have been carbs? Like.. REALLY?” And yep folks, somehow it’s the carbs. So that’s fantastic news. I’m over the moon. He did improve mentally with the old diet. He went off meds, and stopped napping, and is much clearer in his thinking. But the anxiety didn’t go away. It’s been so stressful watching him improve physically but not all the way mentally for the last 3 years. Plus then he shot to fame and there’s been extra stress so it’s been hard to tell what’s life and what’s diet. Turns out the anxiety was diet! So that’s great.

Here’s a video. Couldn’t upload it here, too big.

I was over there Tuesday and he was smiling, playing with the baby, and happier than I’ve seen him in years. Thank GOD. I’ve been torturing him with my diet for almost 3 years and it’s helped but that stupid horrible anxiety was so hard to get rid of. And it seems to be fading out extremely quickly! Success. FUCK YOU WORLD – WE WON.

Anyway. I’m pretty stoked.

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  1. I’m struck with how intuitive you are and how courageous you must be to open yourself to changes. But then, given your history, you’re a warrior, no doubt. Kudos to your dad for bringing his wisdom on board in the midst of his struggles. Enjoyed the video lots.

  2. Great update!

    I think I will transition from keto to carnivore soon, but I do plan on having two exceptions: coffee and whiskey. I don’t have any illnesses I’m trying to cure, my main goal is weight loss and increasing mental clarity.

    1. I don’t have much to say about coffee because I haven’t tested it out myself. Dad had a bad experience with it, but he was also not doing the diet 100% so it wasn’t really a clean experiment. As for whiskey, if you drink bourbon it doesn’t have anything else added to it. It does make me feel worse. I get a bit itchy, arthritic, a bit of a mood dip and a bit slower, but occasionally it’s worth it. Good luck on the diet! Keep me posted.

  3. The video is to die for. Your little girl, with the happy smile, has all the jazzy moves down pat already. I trust your Dad is able to hang on to whatever his weight is now. It is a challenge, for sure, to get enough calories (and nutrients) from restricted diets. Good luck with your move!

  4. You are undermining your father’s public and professional reputation with these revelations!!

    1. Her father’s reputation is his own and his ideas and perspectives are not lessoned by the world knowing that he’s human and part of a family.

    2. The way he performs and the amount he works even though he has this condition is remarkable and respectable. In my eyes it makes him look even stronger.

    3. He looks awfully thin…skeletal even.
      Can you guys share some scientific studies sites about the keto diet, but moreover this one food only diet? Especially where it shoes it’s healthy and it cures depression and anxiety. I have both. This eatng or lack thereof is over the top? It seems really counterintuitive. Love this man and love to hear him talk about everything. He is incredible. Yet does he ever discuss this eating regimen? Thank you.

    4. He looks awfully thin…skeletal even.
      Can you guys share some scientific studies sites about the keto diet, but moreover this one food only diet, especially where it shows it’s healthy and it cures depression and anxiety. I have both. This eatng or lack thereof is over the top? It seems really counterintuitive. Love this man and love to hear him talk about everything. He is incredible. Yet does he ever discuss this eating regimen? Thank you.

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