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Guest Post: Keto to Zero Carb

By Mikhaila

This post is from L.E. Kimball who has a website linked HERE. She goes into detail about her transition into zero carb.

“I am a university professor and published literary writer and blogger. I live off the grid on 35 acres on the Little Two Hearted River in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. I have always been interested in diet and fitness. I have a current blog that is chronicling my diet experiment (I plan to be on this diet until Nov. 30th, then move slowly back to keto, I THINK) after I have my blood work done. I am simultaneously chronicling my dream research (on myself and general research) for a new novel project I am working on. Interested in the diet’s effects on lucid dreaming.

I have been on the Keto diet for three months and had already lost twelve pounds on it. I had been sliding into Carnivore just naturally somehow when I saw it reviewed by Mark Sisson and how it might be appropriate for some. I’ve been on Carnivore ten days and I feel remarkably different.

I’ve lost a couple more pounds since going from Keto to Carnivore, my face isn’t puffy, my joints don’t hurt. My skin is remarkably better, smoother, fewer lines, moister. I had slightly reduced energy a few days during workouts, but now feel fine and am building more muscle than I’ve ever had. The biggest change is I have zero stomach pain and bloating and I can go to the bathroom much easier. I haven’t been pain free in the abdomen since I was a small child. People are noticing how much better I look already. I will be posting after pictures late Nov., but you can see some intermediate photos on my website.”

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  1. Thank you Mikhaila for L.E. Kimball’s post on ankylising spondalitis (sorry about spelling). Your posts are very inspiring. I’m 78 years old. I’ve had arthritis pain since a child but in last three years, since my daughter died it has got much worse. I intermittently try to go on carnivore diet, but after about three days I just binge on carbs. I started life in a boarding school and do not want to end in a nursing home, so must get a solution to this arthritis thing.
    If you or anyone has more ideas or inspiration, please send them.
    in the past i’ve followed Atkins (suited me really well) and ketogenic. But now I just don’t seem to be able to persevere.
    I’d like to post my daughter’s experience with ketogenic diet and breast cancer.
    Milhaela, thank you for the research you posted from Hungary I think. That humans are not omnivore’s. I feel this explains my daughter’s experience with ketogenic and breast cancer.
    Again thanks. You and your father are both inspirations!!!!
    Moira Eastman PhD

  2. i love what Mikhaila is doing, and as I have to commute every day to work etc I find that right now I cannot follow the meat only. I could if I didn’t have to go to work and somebody could buy, prep and cook all my meals. You might find low carb, not complete keto, a better fit. Find good recipes for non carb bread, you can take stevia and other non carb sweeteners, with a little bit of fruit – say half an apple or orange per day. Low carb and high fat with good quality protein works well for me, and has driven down my diabetes numbers and my weight. Also make your own salad dressing with good quality oils – no soy bean oil and no canola – or buy somewhere. Some grocery stores and of course order on internet full fat dressings without the canola or soybean oil. Also a bit of fasting works well for weight loss and feeling good. Find the fast level that suits you and your lifestyle.

  3. A switch to all meat is a huge dietary sacrifice. I often see people commenting that their bloating and tummy pain has got better on Keto diet, and this was my experience as well, although sadly despite looking very good with all that weight loss, it was not sustainable. I couldn’t go all meat at all, it but don’t have to, luckily. Six weeks ago started the FODMAP elimination diet and although I’ve never been able to eat oranges without quite severe digestive pain and diarrhoea, since childhood, and interestingly they are a zero FODMAP food, (which shows how we respond to foods at an individual level), I’ve learned a lot about my ‘trigger foods’ and how much I need to eat before I get problems. I had a lot of digestive problems bloating and ‘hard’ stomach, looking 9 months pregnant, but I’ve managed to find the culprits for the bloat and pain. I think is of interest, is knowing that when you eliminate a food entirely, your gut biome is ‘reduced’ in the bacteria that digest that food, or grow from its fermentation and digestion. So really, you are depriving yourself of a bacteria that helps you overall. That’s a dilemma and that’s why even when you identify trigger foods through an elimination diet, the idea is to see if you can have little bits of it, rather than eliminate it, which is why it’s not for ‘life’ but for diagnosis. I recently had a gut biome analysis, and I must say , very very interesting. What happens when you eat only meat? Yet all your bloating and carbohydrate problems will be better, but is it necessary to eliminate ALL? what does this mean for your gut biome? Could some problems solved by meat simply be FODMAPs and IBS? What does it mean long term? Things to ponder, definitely.

  4. ” I haven’t been pain free in the abdomen since I was a small child.”

    Yes, that sounds very frustrating indeed!

    Let me share my success story. I’ve had a strange development take place concerning pain.

    Pain concerning a partially torn supraspinatus and infraspinatus from at least decade or so. Luckily I was able to recover from being unable to have the extended arm abduct itself past a certain degrees range of motion, I would have to raise the arm using my other arm for a few months to achieve this.

    While I wasn’t eating the meat diet, as this ‘in the past’ I cannot attribute rotator cuff healing to dietary changes:
    What it seemed like delicious icing on the cake at the time, was that along with regaining mobility of the arm, the numb pain eventually wore off too. which sounds good right? So You would think.

    The caveat, The catch is, As far back as I can remember I’ve always had excessive headache and migraine that in my opinion far exceeds the discomfort of a painful messed up shoulder joint. The weird part of this story is, ever since my dietary patterns have exclusively focused on the meat cure my headache and migraines have almost entirely been zapped away… OR RATHER… I think the headache pain somehow migrated from my head and back into my messed up shoulder from long ago. The shoulder from joint to neck attachment to superior angle of the scapula is as tense and painful as it ever was, the rotator cuff feels somewhat how I remember it felt initially but without the extreme motion limitation. It just feels uncomfortable and could probably benefit from rotator cuff exercises again. I haven’t felt this joint pain for a long time, maybe it is able to distract my brain from giving me the usual headaches and occasional migraine. I barely take acetaminophen anymore.

    For me this is a good deal, stiff shoulder definitely beats headaches as tradeoff. Eating meat certainly seems to help promote this pain migration effect.

    Limb pain beats torso pain beats brain “pain”, at least in my limited pain fun experience.

    1. Been on carnivore now for over 6 months and also had pain migrate to different places but only temporarily. Keeps getting better and better, surreal is the only way to describe it. Am only eating hamburger and ribeye with salt. Stopped eating eggs and spices and noticed another significant improvement. I also know that I am no way near healed, may have to eat this diet for the rest of my life. But it isn’t difficult stay on since the results are terrific and the torture is over.

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