Shepherd’s Pie

By Mikhaila

Shepherd's Pie

Shepherd's Pie

If you love shepherd's pie, you are really going to love this Sweet Potato Shepherd's Pie with ground beef and parsnips.

Prep Time 45 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 15 minutes


  • 3 lbs ground beef
  • 3 large sweet potatoes
  • 10 parsnips
  • 2 heads of broccoli
  • 1 large cauliflower
  • 6 broth ice-cubes (see broth ice-cube recipe)
  • 1/3 of a can of coconut milk (shaken and make sure there's no weird ingredients in there like guar gum)
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • 2inch pan
  • Boiling pot


  1. Pre-heat the oven to 350°F.
  2. Peel parsnips and cut into half-inch pieces.
  3. Boil for 15 minutes.
  4. Meanwhile, peel sweet potatoes and cut into 1-inch pieces.
  5. Add to boiling parsnips.
  6. Let these boil until all the pieces are falling apart, and easily mashed.
  7. Brown ground beef so it looks like taco meat.
  8. Cut broccoli and cauliflower into half-inch pieces (alternatively use a food processor and slice them up).
  9. Put the ground beef in the bottom of a 12-inch pan.
  10. Put the 6 broth ice cubes amongst the meat.
  11. Salt the meat.
  12. Spread the cauliflower and broccoli on top of the meat and ice cubes.
  13. Add coconut milk to the sweet potatoes and parsnips.
  14. Mash the sweet potato and parsnips.
  15. Spread the mashed sweet potatoes and parsnips on top.
  16. Pop in oven!
  17. Cook for 30 minutes.
  18. Enjoy!*This lasts two adults about two days. You can switch up the ground beef with any cooked meat (chicken, leftover turkey, etc.) 

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