Really Important Read – Paleomedicina – Evidence The Lion Diet Works

By Mikhaila

“We believe that the PKD is the only evolutionary adapted diet for humans. Rehabilitation of chronic diseases is most effective when the diet is limited to our real physiological needs. Eating fruits and vegetables does not form part of our physiological need but are associated with risks.”

(PDF) Therapeutic protocol of Paleomedicina Hungary. Available from:

This place (Paleomedicina) has actual doctors prescribing a high fat meat diet to successfully treat chronic disease. With hugely positive results (much more effective than medication). They’ve treated pregnant women, infants, and breastfeeding women as well. They have found no ill effects of the diet (they call it paleolithic ketogenic, basically a fancy turn for a red meat diet).

Eventually North America will stop with the “it must be a placebo effect” and start actually treating people. Suuuuper exciting. Also extremely satisfying after years of “you’re crazy”. Extremely. Satisfying.

They have a website HERE. (It’s in Hungarian but you can use Google Translate). The case studies are incredible.

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    1. We vegans would love to find scientific evidence when it comes to health. I don’t appeal to nature so if there’s something in a specific diet that makes it healthiest for all or certain amount of people then there must be mechanistic actions in the body which can be emulated with vegan products.

  1. Yes; contacted them a while back, and downloaded the study (very interesting; they are doing great work!). Thanks for bringing it to our attention. 🙂

  2. Hi Mikhaila,
    I stumbled across this clinic through a youtube video a while ago and am seriously considering to get a treatment there. Let’s see if my health insurance goes along.
    I’m eating beef burger patties with eggs mostly since 4 weeks and got some benefits out of it:
    – better sleep!
    – more concentrated during the day
    – less pain in one of my big toes which has early arthritis

    The only thing that I have a really hard time with is sugary drinks. Not so much sweets like chocolate or so, but mostly with drinks where sugar and coffein are combined.
    I noticed that the sugar thing is also a huge emotional short time satisfier which makes it even more hard to get rid off. Did you experience something like that too?
    Do you have any tips for the (in my case) very extensive sugar cravings?

    Greetz from Berlin, Germany

    1. Try stevia available from Amazon, Trader Joes in powder and liquid all natural non fattening only use teeny tiny amount

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