This is a list of foods that I found irritated me the most to the least. If I’ve missed any foods, please comment. I know it comes off as a random/quack list of foods, but I’ve put some thought into it, and this is how my body has reacted.
Why Vegans Feel Better:
If you eliminate the first 3 on this list you should see quite an improvement.
This is part of the reason going vegan makes people feel so much better (depending on the person of course). The first three foods are really hard on people. Eliminating dairy can really help. Going vegetarian is probably the worst thing you can do, you end up eating grains and dairy and eliminating meat. Increase your consumption of soy to replace meat and you’re in even worse shape. Not a good idea. At least going vegan eliminates dairy. They just lump meat in there and end up getting rid of the safest food. So I understand people who have changed the way they ate, gone plant-based, and felt better. Hell, the people who go gluten-free vegan and limit their sugar intake have already eliminated the top three harmful foods. No wonder they feel better. Gluten and dairy and sugar are not good. But meat can’t be lumped in there just because it’s an animal product. People need it in order to really thrive.
If you eliminate the first 7, even better. I would say the first 12 items really bothered me, but not as bad as the first 7. Go all the way to greens and meat, even better, or even just meat.
Worst to Best
- Gluten-containing grains: wheat, rye, barley, spelt, kamut
- Dairy
- Cane Sugar
- Soy
- Citrus fruits
- Legumes (including peanuts) and bananas and melons
- Other grains – rice, quinoa
- Figs
- Canola oil
- Potatoes
- Almonds
- Green Cabbage
- Squash
- Grapes
- Pork
- Coffee
Less immune reactive (starting from most immune reactive to least)
- Plums
- Berries
- Peaches and nectarines
- Pears and apples
- Macadamia nuts (people seem to tolerate these better than other nuts)
- Avocado
- Red Cabbage
- Coconut flesh
- Black pepper
- Olives
- Greens – lettuce, arugula, spinach, collard greens, swiss chard
- Tea – peppermint and black
- Coconut oil and olive oil
- Fish
- Chicken
- Salt
- Beef
- Water
- I can tolerate the minerals they add to sparkling water (potassium citrate, etc.)
- I can take activated charcoal. I use this before I go to bed if I drink plus this.
- I can drink vodka and bourbon and not suffer for too long afterward. I’ll be a bit stiff, and have a hangover, but that’s about it. Other alcohols have additives I react to.
Overall you’ve raised awareness of food sensitivity issues and exposed how flawed the recommendations of the medical establishment are – ie, to eat lots of grain and sugars and avoid meat/fat.
However, I don’t think your diet recommendations have universal applicability any more so than the suggestion to eat a mostly plant based diet. It’s only what works for you and people with similar genetics and problems. Some may be fine and perfectly with grains or diary.
What i’ve taken away from this is that it’s worth questioning conventional wisdom and experimenting with diet to deal with chronic illness rather than just using drugs to mask symptoms.
*meant -> perfectly fine with some grains and diary and not react badly.
I’ve only seen tumeric, salt and pepper listed as seasoning, what are your thoughts on other herbs and spices to give some variety to meals?
I think you should stop asking her the questions and listen to your body. It heavily depends on your ancestry and their diet.
What works for her may not work for you because you have different genetics, blood type etc etc.
I know it’s hard to listen to your body since you eat many foods throughout the day but it’s the only way you can actually get results.
What works for everybody is cutting processed garbage foods that cause inflammation. Try also adding some anti-inflammatory foods to your diet and see how you feel in few weeks
Great posts happening lately, thankyou : )
Where are: Fruit / Veg like tomato, cucumber, onion, pumpkin, cauliflower, broccoli and mushrooms. Fresh herbs like basil, parsley, coriander. Seeds like chia, pumpkin, sunflower. Dried fruit like dates, apricots.
How long, if ever, do you think it will take before you can re-introduce items without reacting?
All the best and keep up the good work!
Does anyone here have other people that they cook for who don’t need to follow this diet? I would love to try this restricted diet because I have all kinds of health problems, mood as well, but with so much time spent preparing a varied diet for others, I kind of give up and eat what they eat. I’m trying to figure out how to work this.
Just a bit of background: I’m on a low carb/high fat diet, basically trying to follow the ketogenic ratios. Within my family of four, I’m the only one that does this and in general, I do most of the cooking for the entire family. Here are some notes from my personal experience:
– If you go carnivore or low carb/high fat, after some acclimation time, one of the most notable things you discover is that you loose your cravings. So it’s often I cook something for the wife & kids, and I don’t even have the urge to taste it.
– I cook in bulk at times too (e..g, a whole bunch of salmon). For instance, it’s not uncommon that I cook too much of something for the family and they end up eating the same thing for multiple days (tough luck, I have a full time job too).
– Having some set & forget type equipment helps. For instance, I use my Air Fryer around twice a week or so.
– Sometimes I prep (e.g., cut veggies) way ahead of time, if I have the time.
– I typically make sure I have at least two things for myself (protein & veggie).
– Although I’m keto strict they aren’t (meaning they can eat what I eat). I’ll cook up a broccoli that’s keto friendly, and that will end up being the main veggie dish for the entire family.
Also, another note. I love steak, notably ribeyes (so satiating). Steaks in general is very easy to prepare, and one method I use is the reverse sear. I place a steak in the over for 20 minutes, then I sear it on a cast iron, high heat 45 seconds on each side. Whenever I cook steak, it’s usually what I do last right before dinner time since all I need is 45 seconds per side. Note, depending on how you like your steaks done impacts everything – that’s just what I do for myself.
I am shocked on how easy and quick this meat diet is in preparing!
Been only doing it for 5-6 days but I watched a video on preparing “rib eye steak on a george foreman grill” on YouTube. This guy folds a piece of aluminum foil around the meat and puts it in the grill. After a few minutes your meat is done and you throw away the foil. No cleanup and ridiculously fast prepared food!! All you need to do is to set a timer to find out how you want your meat prepared. You will get efficient very quickly. Good Luck
Agreed, once you get into the swing of things. As noted in a post above, I’ve used the reverse sear (oven, then cast iron) method. On the weekend, when I have more time, I’ve used the sous-vide method – turned out great. And when I’m really squeezed for time, I’ve actually stuck a raw steak in the Air Fryer (@ 400, 12 minutes, flip it once at the halfway mark) and surprisingly it came out pretty good too.
Thanks all for the encouragement, tips and ideas. I can do this.
Thanks so much.
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