Zero Carb/Carnivore Diet Update

By Mikhaila

It’s going extremely well.

No cravings, arthritis has almost disappeared, mood seems to have improved (it’s been hard to tell with the milk reaction). I will update again in 2 weeks and I’ll know more.

About a week after I started the zero carb diet (all meat), I decided it was stupid and had a salad. I woke up the next day with an arthritic flare, mood dip, and skin itching. Obviously cried a bit that day with the loss of my beloved olives. Now that I’ve been doing it for a while I really don’t care.

What’s happened as a result?

I’ve gone down 3 belt size loops. No joke. I am losing weight from the pregnancy but I had a hard time at the beginning (it was in one of my posts). I went from 136 to 127 in the last 3 weeks, and 3 belt loop sizes. In the first week, I lost 5 pounds and went down 2 belt loops. Seriously.

I seem to get a mood boost after I eat beef. Not chicken, not fish, just beef. Again, I’m serious.

Chicken/turkey seems to make me dizzy… I’ll update in a couple of weeks to see if that continues.

Pepper now gives me a stomach ache. I’m only eating meat and salt.

I’ve gone down to two meals a day, naturally. My appetite has dropped. I eat around noon and around 6-7pm. Then I’m completely satisfied until noon the next day, it’s extremely convenient.


So far I’m happy. My arthritis seems to be going away completely (finally), but again, I’ll update in two weeks to see what happens then. I’ve started working out again (I’ve had the energy), and my mood has improved. I don’t regret changing my diet at all.

My body is finally returning to normal. I’m pretty thrilled with it.

All this being said, Dad is doing extremely well on his diet (limited but still eats a lot more vegetables than none), so I think maybe cutting down to meat is only necessary if you’re pretty ill. But so far so good!

I’m starting a testimonial page as well, I’m getting quite a few really encouraging emails (especially about cutting out dairy and gluten). If you have something you’d like to share, please email it to me and let me put it up! It always makes my day.

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  1. Thanks for your research and trial and error on this. Stumbling across this website is what lead me to start the diet changes as a last resort to help with some issues. Ankylosing spondylitis, (hla b27 neg) and Enbrel has really helped pain and joint damage reduction, but the weirdest issues with dread and anxiety have been a severe problem the last 2 years. Gluten free since 3/1 with good results, but not where I want to be yet, so today I’m doing beef and water for 30 days. Bring on the filets and ice water.

  2. Hi Mikhail, I’ve been doing the carnivore diet for my 7th day now. I’ve benefitted from little to no bloating, and appetite seems to have gone down, while ensenelevels feel good. Apart from that, I’m feeling horribly depressed, and anxious. Ever since starting 7 days ago.
    Is this common? And/or will it pass once my body gets used to the diet? What is your experience.
    All I have eaten so far is,

    Beef, chicken, bacon, eggs, avocado, black coffee, black tea, olive oil, salt and pepper.

    Any experience/ experimental info would help.

    Thank you

    1. Hi Grant,

      I can only speak for myself, but coffee (caffeine), as much as I love it, gives me incredible anxiety and leads to bouts of depression most of the time. I also gave up avocados as they seemed to cause an allergic reaction. Have you experimented with removing either?

    2. Coffee caused depression for Dad and my husband. (I never tested it out because I saw their reaction). Avocado’s were also a no go because apparently we react to everything other than beef… So I’m not surprised at your reactions.

  3. Would it be okay to use avacado oil in the pan to cook my steaks in? I have never cooked steaks without oil. If the answer is no what do you use to cook your steaks?

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