Zero Carb/Carnivore Diet Update

By Mikhaila

It’s going extremely well.

No cravings, arthritis has almost disappeared, mood seems to have improved (it’s been hard to tell with the milk reaction). I will update again in 2 weeks and I’ll know more.

About a week after I started the zero carb diet (all meat), I decided it was stupid and had a salad. I woke up the next day with an arthritic flare, mood dip, and skin itching. Obviously cried a bit that day with the loss of my beloved olives. Now that I’ve been doing it for a while I really don’t care.

What’s happened as a result?

I’ve gone down 3 belt size loops. No joke. I am losing weight from the pregnancy but I had a hard time at the beginning (it was in one of my posts). I went from 136 to 127 in the last 3 weeks, and 3 belt loop sizes. In the first week, I lost 5 pounds and went down 2 belt loops. Seriously.

I seem to get a mood boost after I eat beef. Not chicken, not fish, just beef. Again, I’m serious.

Chicken/turkey seems to make me dizzy… I’ll update in a couple of weeks to see if that continues.

Pepper now gives me a stomach ache. I’m only eating meat and salt.

I’ve gone down to two meals a day, naturally. My appetite has dropped. I eat around noon and around 6-7pm. Then I’m completely satisfied until noon the next day, it’s extremely convenient.


So far I’m happy. My arthritis seems to be going away completely (finally), but again, I’ll update in two weeks to see what happens then. I’ve started working out again (I’ve had the energy), and my mood has improved. I don’t regret changing my diet at all.

My body is finally returning to normal. I’m pretty thrilled with it.

All this being said, Dad is doing extremely well on his diet (limited but still eats a lot more vegetables than none), so I think maybe cutting down to meat is only necessary if you’re pretty ill. But so far so good!

I’m starting a testimonial page as well, I’m getting quite a few really encouraging emails (especially about cutting out dairy and gluten). If you have something you’d like to share, please email it to me and let me put it up! It always makes my day.

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  1. Hey, I’m barry 26 from Ireland. Im fixing my arthritis with inspiration from you! 🙂 thanks by the way. I thought that was me done there for a while!. Just a quick one, So in any given week or month you’ll ONLY eat beef salt and some fish, that’s it? IV been eating just lamb cabbage and pears, finding it very beneficial. Congratulations on your family!

    1. Thank you! Just so you’re aware, I can’t tolerate green cabbage, it get’s my arthritis. So do pears now unfortunately. Cutting grains and sugar and everything else you’ve cut should really help though!

  2. It is interesting that beef makes you feel better the most. I have the same response to beef. I tried telling my doctor that and she basically dismissed me because she believes in vegetarian diet…which I have tried and it makes me feel tired and foggy brain and like I have allergies…Actually, sometimes when I eat chicken, even organic, I get an itchy throat.

    I researched organic meats and found out that they go through a chemical “wash” through processing. Yep…so wash that organic meat really good!!

  3. have you tried dry fast? raw meat? sungaze/bathe ? icebaths ?
    or are there other changes ur willing to make in the future ?
    also please share the negatives , top negatives if any?
    or how long does it take to recover from those

  4. Hey. Have you got your microbiome tests done and if so, how did they look?

    I’m battling back and forth – the carnivore diet gave me issues, but so does my current “healthy” paleo diet. The palpitations are really bad when eating carnivore and I don’t understand why, since otherwise I feel fantastic. I am now on a “leaky gut” protocol by paid professionals and I’m seeing if it makes a change. I did mostly organic eat GROUND beef when I tried the carnivore diet – I wonder if that makes a difference?

    But yeah, would mostly like to hear from your microbiome results, since that’s mainly the only thing that’s stopping me from going full carnivore (if this protocol doesn’t work, which honestly I think won’t).


    1. Ville Raatikainen: I tend to suffer from heart palpitations also, -except when I am careful to get enough calcium (from milk) & magnesium, (lots of leafy greens). Now I am drinking at least 3 glasses of milk per day. Seems to work like a charm for me. Haven’t had any problems now for the past 3 years. I know a lot of people swear by how unhealthy milk is, but I come from hundreds of years of dairy farmers and I seem to have the genes that deal with its digestion really well. Leafy greens figure big in my diet as well. That’s for the magnesium. Every body is different, this works for me. Good luck with your diet.

    2. Monique
      Thanks for the support! I had had a constant palpitation for 8 years (relatively fast pulse at all times and an extremely hard-pounding heart on every beat) and it was only the adaptation that made it so much worse. Now that I’ve actually been easing into the carnivore (low-carb, high-fat) the adaptation only made it slightly worse in the beginning but then cleared completely haha. And they dare to call it ‘the heart disease diet’. 36 days in and I’m seeing major improvements on every aspect of my health. I had to drop all my greens as well. From my experience I would recommend for you to give that a go as well, you might discover that you can feel even better than you do now! Have a great summer!

  5. what do you use to fry your meat? I’m guessing butter?
    Do you use any oil (olive, coconut etc)?

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