Some people are able to go straight from the standard American diet to the Lion Diet. Some people can do it but that comes with a host of unpleasant transition symptoms due to metabolic changes getting into ketosis, microbiome changes, withdrawal from carbier foods and sugars, etc. I find the sicker you are the worse …
Category Archives: FAQ
Blood Tests and Other Tests on the Lion Diet
First off, doing in-depth testing can lead you down a road of too much information and too many problems you could potentially solve, and it can distract from what can fix you now, which is diet. You don’t want to end up on a bunch of supplements that are not only not helping but possibly …
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How to take medications safely – and avoid fillers.
GUYS!! (particularly the sick ones) I’m sorry this took me 3 years to realize but I finally figured out how to take meds without reacting to the fillers. I’m typing this out while getting my hair done so it’s going to be fast and to the point. I needed to share it though because this …
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Is Salt Necessary?
SALT – I usually tell people when they first switch over to increase their intake of salt. This can help with muscle cramps. If you’re drinking tons of water though and incredibly thirsty, reducing salt might be a good idea. As of August 27th, 2018, I’ve dropped salt! Why on earth would I do such …
Worst Offenders to Safest Foods – And Why Vegans Get Better
This is a list of foods that I found irritated me the most to the least. If I’ve missed any foods, please comment. I know it comes off as a random/quack list of foods, but I’ve put some thought into it, and this is how my body has reacted. Why Vegans Feel Better: If you …
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The Meat Dilemma – But what about the animals?!
When I was 15 someone told me that someone they knew lived near a slaughterhouse and a pig farm. The slaughterhouse would come pick up the pigs every 2 weeks. Apparently, the pigs would start screaming the night before, because they knew they were going somewhere bad. Now that story is probably completely false, but …
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How to Save Your Teeth
Bleeding gums, tender gums, discoloured teeth, mouth ulcers and bad breath are all signs of food intolerances. If you have bad teeth, chances are you’re eating foods that don’t agree with you, it’s not just “bad genetics”. This is fixable but do it ASAP because enamel damage doesn’t heal – the gum problems heal. Dad …
Zero Carb – What Type of Meat Do I Get?
I’ve been scrolling through comments and there have been a number of questions about what type of meat I’m eating. Sorry, I don’t get to them all, I’m super busy and there are a lot of comments. They’re great to read but I’m too slow to keep up! A couple of things: I try to …
What to Do If You’re on Medication
Here’s what I did: Just before I started playing around with diet I was on: Enbrel (a TNF blocker and immune suppressant) Methotrexate (immune suppressant) Seasonal (birth control) 40 mg Cipralex (depression) Minocycline (skin issues) Dapsone (skin issues) 40 mg Adderall (for hypersomnia) T3 (for arthritic and ankle pain) Gravol – nonprescription – to sleep from the …
Pregnancy Diet and FAQ
First off, I’m not a doctor. I’m going to write what worked for me and what I believe is a good idea. I’ll write out why, and you guys can make up your own minds, and do your own research. Here’s the diet. It’s the same as the usual diet. Is changing your diet while you’re …