Update May 2023: Got sick. Finally healing. Beware of mold.

  Me wondering why I look like a zombie before figuring out the house was moldy. An update: I am 80% better than 3 months ago when I basically died from living in multiple places with mold in HVACs. I made this website for people who want to know more about it. I recommend you …

Vitamin Results 2023 (5 years on the Lion Diet)

Here are Jordan Peterson’s micronutrients results after 5 years of only eating meat with no organs or supplements. Crazy huh? Extremely good. This diet is sustainable long-term, although ideally if you address the root cause which is resulting in the sensitivities, you can reintroduce foods. We’re very seriously looking into mold/biotoxins from our environments as …

Blood Tests and Other Tests on the Lion Diet

First off, doing in-depth testing can lead you down a road of too much information and too many problems you could potentially solve, and it can distract from what can fix you now, which is diet. You don’t want to end up on a bunch of supplements that are not only not helping but possibly …

Update: Mold, Cutting Salt, and CIRS

So in the last few months I’ve had this super strange symptom of unbelievably heavy arms and legs. Going upstairs has been difficult. Obviously that’s not a good sign. I cut out salt 2 weeks ago, I thought I was having an electrolyte imbalance and maybe after being carnivore for so long I didn’t need …

Media Article: Carnivore, lion diets called life-changing online. But is eating only meat really good for you? (USA Today)

Not the most positive article, but not particularly terrible. Here is a link to the USA Today Lion Diet article from 12/19/2022: “Carnivore, lion diets called life-changing online. But is eating only meat really good for you?”

Media Article: HOLY COW I eat only meat and salt on TikTok’s viral Lion Diet – it’s been a ‘cure-all’ that ended my chronic illness misery (The Sun)

Here is a link to The Sun’s Lion Diet article from 12/19/2022: “HOLY COW I eat only meat and salt on TikTok’s viral Lion Diet – it’s been a ‘cure-all’ that ended my chronic illness misery”